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Institutional Information

basics about OSU-Tulsa
  • Campus Map
  • Offices and Computers
  • Parking
  • Photocopying
  • Restaurants

Academic Information

for teaching your courses
  • Academic Calendar

  • Academic Integrity

  • Cancelled Classes

  • Classroom Scheduling

  • Classroom Technology

  • Course Syllabus and Attachment

  • Faculty Handbook

  • Faculty Resources

  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

  • Library

  • Testing Center

  • Textbook Orders

Student Information

resources and policies
  • Behavioral Consultation Team
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Student Accessibility Services
  • Students in Distress
  • Title IX - 1 is 2 Many

Human Resources

employee resources and policies
  • Benefits
  • Email Account
  • Pay Stubs
  • Timekeeping

OSU-Tulsa Office of Academic Affairs

North Hall 357

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