Graduation Ceremony Information
2025 OSU-Tulsa Graduation Ceremony
Union Multipurpose Activity Center, Union High School
Monday, May 12, 2025
6:30 p.m.
Graduation Station
Order Graduation Essentials
Order your cap & gown, announcements and more at
Doctoral Regalia Deadlines
Doctoral students and faculty who just need OSU regalia can rent on beginning April 29.
Faculty who need non-OSU regalia need to speak to Faculty Support Services - orders due by Friday, March 15 at 3 p.m.
Ceremony Information
Doors open: 5 p.m. Student processional starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. Students should plan to arrive no later than 5:30 p.m.
Share your messages of celebration or congratulations using #OSUTulsaGrad on Instagram and Twitter. We’ll show messages on the arena screen during the ceremony.
The ceremony will also be streamed live on Inside OSU.
If you or your guests require accommodations due to a disability, contact Student Accessibility Services at or 918-594-8354.
Union Multipurpose Activity Center Information
6836 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa
Parking is free at UMAC. Look for the orange flags on either side of the entrance to the UMAC parking lot.
Admission to UMAC is first-come, first-served with open seating. Tickets are not required.
Wheelchair accessible seating is available throughout UMAC. Guests requiring accessible seating should inform the usher when entering the arena.
A designated area with sign language interpretation will be available. Guests wishing to sit in this area should inform the usher when entering the arena.
Refreshments will be available for purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I walk in both OSU-Tulsa’s and OSU-Stillwater’s ceremonies?
Yes! OSU graduates may walk in Tulsa or Stillwater (or both!). For OSU-Tulsa’s ceremony, make sure to RSVP so we can confirm your name is in the program.
- Will OSU-Tulsa have an in-person ceremony this year? (2025)
Yes! Our ceremony will be Monday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Union Multipurpose Activity Center.
- How do I purchase my cap and gown?
Bachelor’s and master’s degree students will purchase their cap and gown from the OSU University Store at You can choose to have your regalia shipped to your home or delivered to the OSU-Tulsa Information Center for pick-up. Doctoral student regalia will be available for rental starting April 25.
- Will there be hooding for OSU-Tulsa graduate students?
Yes! OSU-Tulsa doctoral and master’s students will have the opportunity to be hooded by their faculty advisor or other faculty member. Please confirm with your hooding faculty that they will be in attendance at the ceremony.
- What if I graduate in summer?
Since OSU-Tulsa only has one graduation ceremony each year, summer graduates are invited to walk in the spring graduation ceremony. We look forward to seeing you there! As a reminder, previous fall graduates are also welcome to participate!
- Are there limits to how many guests I can bring?
This year there is no limit to the number of guests you can bring to the OSU-Tulsa Graduation Ceremony. Tickets are not required.
- Who do I contact if I or a guest will need accommodation for a disability?
Contact OSU-Tulsa Student Accessibility Services if you or one of your guests require accommodations.
- Will the OSU-Tulsa Graduation Ceremony be live streamed?
Yes! The ceremony will be live streamed on Watch in your web browser or on your TV using Amazon Fire, Apple TV or Roku.
- Can I walk in the ceremony if I didn’t RSVP?
Yes, you can walk in the OSU-Tulsa graduation ceremony if you did not RSVP. We ask for RSVP numbers to help us ensure enough chairs for participants, but we never turn a graduate away!
Additional questions?
For additional information about OSU-Tulsa’s Graduation Ceremony, call 918-594-8252 or email.