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Training for Faculty and Staff


Welcome Faculty and Staff! You can view upcoming training or register for training in your personalized Learning Management System (LMS). Firefox and Google Chrome are the recommended browsers. You will be asked to enter your OKEY username and password upon sign in. Use the Search bar at the top of the page and type in the name of the training. If you start typing “Title IX” you should see the different options.


Information for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff Title VII and Title IX Training


Universities are under scrutiny regarding compliance with Title IX — the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex at educational institutions that receive federal funding. Title IX is in some ways analogous to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Title VII prohibits sexual harassment in places of employment.


Title IX has broad implications. However, the most recent emphasis has been on sexual violence and its prevention. As a result, universities are making efforts to inform members of their communities about the provisions of Title VII and Title IX and to fulfill the mandates of these important pieces of legislation. Any university employee who works with students has federally mandated responsibilities for reporting possible incidents that are covered by this legislation.


As part of this effort, the OSU administration has worked to develop training for faculty and staff regarding possible incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence. The federal requirement is to conduct regular training, which is widely interpreted as annual training. Training for full-time faculty and staff, part-time faculty and staff and student employees is now available online.


Below is a list of available online training specific to positions at OSU. Once you have determined the training specific to your position, please read through the instructions carefully. If you have any technical difficulties with the training please contact OSU in Tulsa Human Resources at 918-594-8221. If you have questions regarding Title VII or Title IX, please contact the Title IX Coordinator in Tulsa at 918-594-8105.

Training Opportunities

Full-time Faculty and Staff Title VII and Title IX Training


Full-time faculty and Staff  have access to online training through the Learning Management System (LMS). It is recommended that you access this site using Firefox or Google Chrome, watch for pop up blockers, and make sure you have java enabled on your computer.


Access Online Training


You will log in using your O-key username and password. Once you are logged in, you can search for your training in the top right search bar. Search “Title IX” and the related training will populate.


Once you locate the "Online Title VII & Title IX Training” online course, select "Request." Once this training is requested, it will appear on your transcript within the learning system. Select the “Learning” tab at the top of the page, then select “My Transcript,” and you will have an option to launch the training you requested from your transcript. Once this course is completed, it will close automatically and update your transcript for confirmation of completion.


If you have already completed the course once and are re-taking it, click "Request" and a pop-up box will say you have already completed the training and ask if you want to complete it again. Click “yes.”


You may attend in person training as scheduled or complete the online training options to satisfy your annual training requirement.


Training for All Other Staff, Part-Time Faculty, Residents, Preceptors


All other employees or affiliates have access to online training.


Access Online Training


This training includes a quiz and results page you can print at the end of the course. This training will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete.


Please note that you must print the final page of the completed quiz with your name and email/present a copy to the OSU in Tulsa Title IX Coordinator at, OSU-Tulsa Main Hall 1405, or your OSU supervisor.

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