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Cowboy Community Standards


OSU-Tulsa students are expected to exemplify honesty, honor, and respect for the truth in all of their actions. 



OSU-Tulsa students build and enhance their community. 


Social Justice

OSU-Tulsa students recognize that respecting the dignity of every person is essential for creating and sustaining a flourished university community. They understand and appreciate how their decisions and actions impact others and are just and equitable in their treatment of all members of the community. They act to discourage and challenge those who actions may be harmful to and/or diminish the worth of others. 



OSU-Tulsa students must show positive regard for each other and for the community. 



OSU-Tulsa students are expected to accept responsibility for their learning, personal behavior and future success, and students should appropriately challenge others to do the same. Students should use judgment, be trustworthy, and take personal responsibility for their actions.

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