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Student Conduct Services for Faculty and Staff

Student Conduct offers the following services to faculty and staff.


SCEA staff members are available to consult with faculty regarding high-risk or disruptive/disturbing students and troublesome classroom incidents. SCEA can offer support and respond to complaints of suspected student misconduct. SCEA can also assist in coordinating a response to situations where student conduct threatens the health and/or safety of the campus community or any individuals.


Student Referrals

Faculty can refer students to SCEA for suspected nonacademic misconduct (i.e. classroom disruption, harassment, etc.). SCEA will contact and meet with students, assess whether misconduct has occurred, and implement sanctions as appropriate. At the meeting, students will discuss their behavior, appropriate behavior, and current as well as potential future consequences. In the majority of cases, students admit responsibility for the behavior and the case is resolved informally by an agreement between the student, SCEA, and the faculty member.


Policy Review and Development

SCEA reviews, implements, and interprets university policies related to student rights and responsibilities. Faculty can contact SCEA for university interpretation and to discuss policy.


Student Conduct Committee

The Student Conduct Committee, which is comprised of students, faculty, and staff, hears cases where suspension from OSU is a possibility, where an informal resolution to a situation is not possible, and student discrimination grievances.


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