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Conduct Hearing Process Outline

  1. Call to Order: The chair calls the hearing to order.
    1. Identify all parties present
    2. Preliminary comments
    3. Honesty Statement
    4. Hearing Condition
      1. Hearing will be audio recorded.
      2. All information will be restricted to matters directly relevant to the charges.
      3. Advisers, if present, are restricted to advising and may not make statements or ask questions during the proceeding.
      4. Any person who is disruptive or fails to abide by the hearing procedures or rules set by the chair may be removed.
  1. Opening Statements: usually 2-3 minutes each
    1. Complainant makes an opening statement
    2. Respondent makes an opening statemen
  2. Evidentiary Phase: Length of time will be agreed upon by the complainant and the accused
    1. Title IX Investigator presents investigation report (in cases of alleged sexual harassment and sexual misconduct).
      1. Panel members can question the investigator.
      2. Complainant can question the investigator.
      3. Respondent can question the investigator.
    2. Complainant presents
      1. Evidence and witnesses.
      2. Panel members can question the complainant.
      3. Respondent can question the complainant.
    3. Respondent presents
      1. Evidence and witnesses.
      2. Panel members can question the respondent.
      3. Complainant can question the respondent.
    4. Final questions can be asked by any party.
  3. Closing Statements: usually 2-3 minutes each
    1. Complainant makes a closing statement.
    2. Respondent makes a closing statement.
  4. Panel Deliberation: All parties excused
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