Conduct Hearing Process Outline
- Call to Order: The chair calls the hearing to order.
- Identify all parties present
- Preliminary comments
- Honesty Statement
- Hearing Condition
- Hearing will be audio recorded.
- All information will be restricted to matters directly relevant to the charges.
- Advisers, if present, are restricted to advising and may not make statements or ask questions during the proceeding.
- Any person who is disruptive or fails to abide by the hearing procedures or rules set by the chair may be removed.
- Opening Statements: usually 2-3 minutes each
- Complainant makes an opening statement
- Respondent makes an opening statemen
- Evidentiary Phase: Length of time will be agreed upon by the complainant and the accused
- Title IX Investigator presents investigation report (in cases of alleged sexual harassment
and sexual misconduct).
- Panel members can question the investigator.
- Complainant can question the investigator.
- Respondent can question the investigator.
- Complainant presents
- Evidence and witnesses.
- Panel members can question the complainant.
- Respondent can question the complainant.
- Respondent presents
- Evidence and witnesses.
- Panel members can question the respondent.
- Complainant can question the respondent.
- Final questions can be asked by any party.
- Title IX Investigator presents investigation report (in cases of alleged sexual harassment
and sexual misconduct).
- Closing Statements: usually 2-3 minutes each
- Complainant makes a closing statement.
- Respondent makes a closing statement.
- Panel Deliberation: All parties excused