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beverly morris

Beverly Morris
Director of Advising
918-594-8574 | | Meet with me at TCC


College and Majors Advised
Spears School of Business (SSB): Accounting, Finance, General Business, International Business, Management, Marketing
College of Professional Studies: Public Safety, Organizational Leadership, Health Care Administration


At OSU Since February 1991


Hometown Waukomis, Oklahoma


MS in Interdisciplinary Studies – Oklahoma State University
BA in French & minor in Spanish – Oklahoma State University


Favorite OSU Event
The commencement ceremony in May.


chirs campbell

Chris Campbell
Academic Counselor II and Coordinator of Special Projects
918-594-8430 | | Meet with me at TCC


College and Majors Advised
Spears School of Business (SSB): Accounting, Finance, General Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, University Studies, College of Professional Studies: Organizational Leadership


At OSU Since 1989


Hometown Bartlesville, Oklahoma


MS in Education – Oklahoma State University
BS in Geology – Oklahoma State University


Hobbies and Interests
Fly fishing and camping, hiking, playing with his dogs, grilling and smoking. Soccer fan and fan of all OSU sports!


philip curry

Philip Curry
Academic Counselor II
918-594-8482 | | Meet with me at TCC


College and Majors Advised
Spears School of Business (SSB): Accounting, Finance, General Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing; College of Professional Studies: Public Safety, Health Care Administration


At OSU Since 2021


Hometown Wagoner, Oklahoma


M.A. in Communications, Northeastern State University
B.A. in Media Studies with an emphasis in Journalism/Broadcast


Fun Fact
I love playing Dungeons and Dragons and I play every week with friends.


colton holmes

Colton Holmes
Academic Counselor 
918-594-8476 | | Meet with me at TCC


College and Majors Advised
College of Education and Human Sciences (EHS): Aerospace Administration & Operations, Public Health
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS): American Studies, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Psychology, Sociology

College of Professional Studies: Entertainment Media, Health Care Administration


At OSU Since January 2020


Hometown Grove, Oklahoma


Education B.S. in Criminal Justice – Northeastern State University, B.B.A. Accounting – Northeastern State University, Graduate Certificate in Native American Studies – Montana State University, M.S. in College Student Development – Oklahoma State University


Fun Fact My 3rd great-grandfather is Cherokee Chief Redbird Smith.


ron knight

Ron Knight
Senior Academic Coordinator I
918-594-8582 | | Meet with me at TCC


College and Majors Advised
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology (CEAT): Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management


At OSU Since May 2004


Hometown Tulsa, Oklahoma


M.A. in Counseling – Oral Roberts University
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering – University of Oklahoma


Fun Fact
My twin brother is a minute older than me and he never misses the chance to remind me so.


angel ray

Angel Ray
Senior Academic Counselor I
918-594-8119 | | Meet with me at TCC


College and Majors Advised
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS): Applied Computer Programming, Biology, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Studies, Psychology, Sociology


At OSU Since January 2010


Hometown Verdigris, Oklahoma


BS in Business Administration – Oklahoma State University


Fun Fact
I am in Claremore’s Museum of History!


Academic Advising Center


8 a.m.-5 p.m.

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