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Facility Use Policies

Organizations and individuals who utilize the OSU-Tulsa Conference Center facilities agree to the following policies, unless otherwise stated in writing and signed by an authorized University representative:


  1. OSU-Tulsa reserves the right to cancel or restrict any facility use at its discretion.  This includes but is not limited to potential damage to property of facilities and groups with prior financial obligations to OSU-Tulsa.

  2. The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, controlled or dangerous substances, firearms or weapons on OSU-Tulsa property is prohibited.  Any individual(s) found to have any of these prohibited items will be reported to University Police.  Prohibited items are subject to confiscation by University Police. 

  3. All signs and decorations must be approved in advance by an authorized OSU-Tulsa representative.  No flammable materials or confetti may be used for decorations.

  4. The use of tape, tacks, staples, glue or nails on doors and walls is prohibited. The use of tent stakes, poles or anchoring devices that penetrate the ground is prohibited. Individuals or organizations will be held responsible for any negligent or intentional damage to OSU-Tulsa equipment and property, including grassy areas and parking lots. Any such damage or excessive cleaning will be charged to the responsible party. The facility and property must be returned to the same condition as before the event. 

  5. OSU-Tulsa is not responsible for lost or stolen items while on the OSU-Tulsa campus.  Items found will be turned in to University Police and may be retrieved at the University Police office in Main Hall 1401. 

  6. OSU-Tulsa does not carry insurance coverage for off-campus participants and therefore is not held liable for accidents or injuries that may occur while using any facilities.  As a result, OSU-Tulsa requires each organization to carry its own insurance.

  7. The sponsoring organization will be responsible for the conduct of the participants and all insurance of participants, including liability and hospitalization.

  8. Ordinary courtesy will be expected at all times.  All events must maintain a noise level that is not disruptive to other activities taking place.  Business solicitation is prohibited on campus unless an exhibit table has been rented.

  9. OSU-Tulsa is a tobacco- and vape-free campus. Use of tobacco, smokeless tobacco (including snuff, chewing tobacco or smokeless pouches) or vapor products is forbidden anywhere on campus, including parking lots. University Police officers may cite violations of this policy without warning.

  10. OSU-Tulsa requires the sponsoring organization provide one (1) adult per every ten (10) minor participants.  “Minor participants” is defined as any person under the age of 18.  These adult staff will be responsible for:

    • Preventing excessive noise and inappropriate behavior in rooms and common areas.

    • Providing first aid services when/if necessary. Medical services are not the responsibility of OSU-Tulsa.

    • Immediately notifying OSU-Tulsa staff or problems with the facilities or of any injuries.

  11. Fishing and/or swimming is prohibited in the OSU-Tulsa pond.

  12. Parking at OSU-Tulsa is free and unassigned, with limited exceptions. Parking spaces may not be blocked off or otherwise reserved by any organization unless pre-authorized in writing by an authorized OSU-Tulsa representative.

  13. All events must end by 9 p.m. and the facility completely vacant of all event guest, entertainers, speakers, and all other individuals by 9:30 p.m., unless pre-authorized in writing by an authorized OSU-Tulsa representative.  Failure to comply may result in an additional charge of $100.00 per hour for every hour past 9:30 p.m.

  14. Cancellations are requested no later than five (5) business days prior to the scheduled event.  A cancellation fee, usually in the amount of the reservation fee, and any other costs incurred may be charged if the cancellation is received after that date. 

  15. In case of emergencies, contact University Police at 918-594-8123.


Download OSU-Tulsa Facility Use Policies 


Solicitation by Outside Groups

Any group or agency interested in soliciting in at OSU-Tulsa must seek prior approval. This includes advertising, order-taking, sales, donations, proselytizing, campaigning and collection or distribution of literature.


Permission to solicit in at OSU-Tulsa will be limited to recognized campus organizations, university departments and governmental or educational agencies. These University organizations or agencies can sponsor groups to solicit at OSU-Tulsa with permission from the Events Manager or the Assistant Director for Student Affairs.


Sponsoring organizations/departments understand and agree to assume all responsibility for non –OSU group activity to include policy compliance, event charges and damages. A contact person for the sponsoring and sponsored organization must be designated.


Solicitation by all groups is limited to designated and approved areas. Scheduling of space is on a first-come, first-served basis and is subject to availability due to other campus events and at the discretion of the Events Manager.

OSU-Tulsa reserves the right to relocate or cancel tables when University events take precedent or a safety hazard is present.


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